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Experience by Devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba

  Sai - Your #1 Priority

In April of 1998, I found myself working at a job that I was not too pleased with.  Being an impulsive person, I was on the verge of either quitting or looking for work with another company.  However this being such a major decision, I naturally turned to swami for guidance.  Being my eternal mother and father and the only person who knows my past, present and future, who else could have guided me better?

After praying whole heartedly to Bhagawan, I took three pieces of paper and wrote the name of the company I was working for. On the second piece of paper I wrote the name of another company I had in mind while on the third piece of paper I wrote any other company Swami might have thought appropriate for me.  I prayed hard to Swami and I picked one of the three rolled pieces of paper and found to my astonishment that Swami wanted me to stay with the current company I was working for rather bitterly.  Since it was not the decision I was hoping for, it was rather hard to calm my monkey mind.  In my heart I knew that I had to obey my Sai mother’s divine director.  Barely a few weeks later, my supervisor pleasantly surprised me by offering me a higher position.   To this day I can’t explain why I was chosen for the job since I was neither the most senior nor the most qualified person. Just as I started to enjoy my Swami’s gift, He spoiled me further by offering me another and even better position in the same company.  I honestly did not know how to react to Swami’s never-ending love.  I realized how much Swami loves me and rewarded me for controlling my monkey mind and trusting Him with His decisions.

We must always realize Swami loves us unconditionally and leave everything at his lotus feet.  Sai will never let us down.  During the hard times at school or work I like to think of this quotation “HOLD ON TO HIM TIGHT AND LIVE YOUR LIVES.  HE WILL NOT LET YOU SLIP.  BUILD YOUR ACTIVITIES ON THAT BASIS; YOUR CAREER WILL NOT CAVE IN, YOU WILL ALSO DEVELOP COURAGE, CONSOLATION AND FAITH IN YOURSELF AND IN YOUR DESTINY.”   Every time I need to make a big decision I write a detailed letter to Swami.   What I find amazing about this is that I usually get my answers the same day or the very next day.  Swami says that we need not let a piece of paper come between us.  If we pray to Him directly, He will guide us.  Most of the time I pray and talk to Swami directly in my shrine room or in the car on my way to work.  In our youth meetings we discussed that we can cry, plead, and beg God to help us without feeling ashamed because God alone is our true friend.

A month ago, in my dream I wrote a poem for Swami. While waiting for morning dharshan, Swami came to me directly and took the poem and started reading.  He then pleasingly smiled at me and asked me to take paada namaskar.  Like in real life, I was frozen and shocked.  Instead of jumping and taking paada namaskar, I said “UHHHH, O’SWAMI YOU ARE SO SWEET”.  Swami waited for couple of minutes and started to go towards other devotees.  Couple of weeks after this dream, I wrote a letter to Swami and gave it to one of the devotees bound for Parthi.  In that letter, I told Swami, I wasn’t that talented in real life to write a pleasing poem like in the dream.  I requested Swami to guide me to become a good writer.  The very next day I got a call from my youth co-ordinator requesting me to write an article for Sai World.  Like a mother responding to her child’s cry, our Sai mother always responds to us.  From my experience, I would like to conclude; MAKE SAI YOUR #1 PRIORITY AND HE WILL ALWAYS GUIDE YOU TO THE RIGHT PATH!

Sai Youth

Source: http://www.saicentre.net/sai2.htm

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