Medical advices by Swami
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Swami asked two devotee doctors to
rethink the common medical concepts about diabetes, heart disease
and chronic fatigue syndrome. It was in February, 1999.
Below is the conversation recorded by Dr. Venkata Kanubaddi.
The topics have the same actuality today and Swami's directions
are instructive for everyone.
Swami: "What is the treatment for diabetes?"
Doctor: First diet, then exercise, next pills, and insulin last,
Swami: Insulin can lower blood sugar very quickly. Then the
patient can get sweating and decreased blood pressure and can go
even into coma. It is best to avoid insulin, if at all possible.
Tablets are okay. What is the cause of diabetes?
Doctor: Pancreas is the problem, Swami.
Swami: Pancreas is not the real problem. It is mainly wrong diet
and lack of exercise. People in South India eat excess rice.
People in North India eat excess wheat. Both can increase blood
sugar very quickly within half an hour after eating. Because
people in the South do not like wheat much, they should eat
chapathis [a wheat flat bread]. That way they don't overeat rice.
Similarly, people in North should eat rice. That way they do not
overeat wheat. On the other hand, if you eat corn or ragi [a
relative of millet], blood sugar will rise slowly over two to
three hours. The body can manage such a slow increase very well,
and then diabetes will not be a problem. People should not eat as
their tongue dictates. The tongue has 48,000 taste buds.
Improperly used, they can cause sugar craving and lead to diabetes.
The senses have to be regulated for good health. There is some
genetic cause also for diabetes.
Doctor: Yes, Swami. Latest research also is confirming this. Is
there anything that Swami doesn't know!
Swami: How is your mother?
Doctor: Her diabetes is better, but she has arthritis.
Swami: What is her blood sugar?
Doctor: She checks it herself, Swami.
Swami: You are the doctor and you don't even check your own mother!
These doctors nowadays don't treat diabetes properly. Best thing
is diet control and exercise. For diabetes, green leafy vegetables
are good, except cauliflower. Cabbage is good. All fruits with
black seeds like apples, pears, grapes, watermelon, etc., are good,
except custard apple (as it has too much sugar). Papaya is good.
Avoid all roots, especially potatoes. What else are you doing?
Doctor: Research for new medicines for treatment of diabetes,
Swami: The best thing is diet and exercise. What is the cause of
heart disease?
Doctor: Increased cholesterol, increased blood pressure...
Swami: No, it is "hurry, worry, curry." Too much hurry causes
worry and stress--not good for heart! See Swami (Baba refers to
himself), no health problem! Avoid too much oil. Eating garlic
daily can reduce cholesterol. Almonds without peel can also reduce
cholesterol. Soak them in water overnight, remove the peel, and
eat in early morning.
Doctor: Isn't garlic rajasic food, Swami? Is it not bad for
Swami: Body health first; these gunas (inherent qualities) and
spiritual health come next. Without a healthy body, you cannot
proceed on the spiritual path.
Doctor: How does one control blood pressure, Swami?
Swami: Reduce salt. Less salt, less blood pressure, more salt,
more blood pressure.
Doctor: Nowadays, there is a new disease called Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome. Patients complain that they don't have any energy to do
anything. What is the cause, Swami?
Swami: No cause like that. It is low energy because these people
waste a lot of energy through bad and polluted thoughts, improper
and indiscriminate use of senses. Thus, their energy is drained
out and they feel chronic fatigue. If they can replace their
polluted thoughts with good thoughts and divert their senses
towards the Divine, thus, thinking good, seeing good, hearing good,
and doing good, they can recover the lost energy and can get well.
Hinduism today. May/June 2000, part: Health