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Reports of events from the Sai Baba Ashrams


Report on Holi Celebrations 2006 in Prasanthi Nilayam

Holi, the festival of love and joy is not dedicated to any deity from the Hindu pantheon, as are other festivals like Mahasivaratri, Rama Navami, Krishnashtami, etc. The mythology does make inferences to Lord Siva and Madana (the God of love) and how the meditating Siva destroyed Madana with his third eye, when Madana disguised himself as a nymph to disturb Him.

The legend usually associated with Holi revolves around the wicked king Hiranyakasipu whose son Prahlada was a devotee of Lord Vishnu. When the king tried to prevent his son from worshipping Lord Vishnu, with the aid of his sister Holika, who had a boon that made her immune to the effects of fire, his plan backfired and Prahlada escaped unscathed while Holika was burnt to death. Thus, Holi is the day of victory over the evil forces. The celebrations officially usher in spring.

Sri Sathya Sai Organisations, Bihar & Jharkhand were fortunate to celebrate this festival in the year 2005 and this year too they were bestowed the blessed opportunity to celebrate Holi in the immediate Divine Presence of Bhagawan. After Bhagawan granted Darshan to the Devotees assembled in the Hall, Sri Sathya Sai Organisations, Bihar & Jharkhand began their programme expressing gratitude to Bhagawan through Navagraha Stuti (song in praise of the nine planets). What followed was a medley of different items – songs, dances and Qawali. The members of the organisation offered their salutations to Bhagawan on behalf of the devotees of Bihar & Jharkhand through a song, “You have always been showering Your Grace on us in abundance. Please give us the power to discriminate. May we all be of some service at thy Lotus Feet. Do forgive us for our shortcomings.” Another song ran thus: “He brings about transformation in the lives of people and shows them the path of righteous living. The truly devoted, shall surely be liberated.” “Sairam”, a song with dance gave a vivid picturisation of the Festival of Holi being celebrated in Prasanthi Nilayam. The programme ended on a high note with the song, “Tera ham par hai lakhaon upkar …” “Even if the whole world turns away from me, let me not leave Your doorstep. May I always have Your name on my lips. Oh Lord! Please accept our prayers.”

At the end of their performance, Bhagawan granted the coveted opportunity of group photographs with Him.

Images source and courtesy: http://sssbpt.org/Pages/Prasanthi_Nilayam/holi_06_Photos.htm

Source: http://sssbpt.org/Pages/Prasanthi_Nilayam/Holi_06_report.htm

Report from a Devotee

Sairam to all and Happy HOLI to the members of this HOLY group

It was a colourful holy in prasanthi Nilayam.. even though there were no colours sprayed on others like it happens all over India.. Many people in India wait for this day, to play with colours, and to many drunkards it’s a TYPICAL festival to to show their AGRESSIVENESS . But in Parthi, its entirely different story.. Swamy’s work is also aggressive, but its SPIRITUAL AGRESSIVENESS a SILENT REVOLUTION…

This morning, Swamy blessed us all with a beautiful and long darshan. He was there for Bhajans till 10am blessing all. Many devotees from Bihar and Jharkand states of India were seated right infront of the dias.. Swamy asked Prof.Kumar to announce that that there will be a play by Bihar and Jharkand state boys this evening 4pm. Swamy again called Prof.Kumar and this time Prof. announced that this evening at 5pm Swamy would distribute prasadam PERSONALLY to all the devotees. This brought cheers and also doubts, Will He distribute to the 10,000 odd devotees personally or to only to the boys who are performing..

As expected there was a huge turnout, including locals, (thank God at least because of this announcement, the lazy locals came to darshan). Swamy came out around 3:55pm, after giving a blissfull darshan He came on the stage, in His mobile thorne… The drama started at 4;10pm after the lead actor, VIDYAPATHI came on the stage and took blessing from Swamy…

The play was about Vidyapathi, an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva, who was hated by many because of His devotion and simplicity. Once Lord Shiva himself comes as a SUDRA (lowest caste) begging for alms and Vidya pathi, a rich land lord himself provides him shelter in his house. Once a king calls Vidyapathi to visit his palace and Vidyapathi takes the poor man with him. on the way to the palace, Vidyapathi suddenly falls down and asks for water. They were passing by a dry barrel land and it was impossible to get water. Seeing Vidyapathi pleading for water, Lord Shiva fetches water from river Ganga which flows in His matted hair.

Vidyapathi after drinking the water, senses some thing is special about this man and He recognizes that its Ganga water not ordinary water and He grills the poor man to reveal his identity and then Lord Shiva reveals the secret…

The whole play was very well scripted and the actors were superb and exactly opposite to the reputation of two states.. Bihar state is number one corrupt state and all the politicians have cases pending in various courts.. and Jharkand state has a problem of Maoists (a banned out fit by the Govenrnment) and it was a great feeling to see the kids from such states perform so superbly and if there is any FORCE behind this its Swamy and Swamy ONLY…

While the play was going I was wondering how Swamy can transform us… He was enjoying the play every second…. He was laughing, smiling, and at one instance, the main character said, WE SHOULDN’T FIND FAULT IN OTHERS, IF YOU DO SO THAT’S ONLY THE REFLECTION OF YOUR THOUGHTS…. when this dialogue was going on Swamy signaled at students smilingly probably saying NOTE THIS POINT DEAR ONES….

The boy who acted as Vidyapathi was so impressive that Swamy asked the boy to come on the dias and materialized a ring to him…. while the play was still going on.

The whole show was well written, directed…Hats Off to the whole unit…. later Swamy took photos with the boys and asked the boys to sing bhajans and the bhajans went on for an hour as He blessed with an interview to a family for 30 minutes and He came out walking as one boy holded His right hand and Swamy was holding long robe. It was another great day in the diary of my life in Prasanthi even though prasadams were not distributed, YOUR DARSHAN IS THE SWEETEST PRASADAM SWAMY…


Jai Sai Ram
Satish Naik

Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/saibabanews/message/15087


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