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Reports of events from the Sai Baba Ashrams


Prashanthi Bullettin

June 20th, 2005

This morning Darshan was at 8.05 a.m. Swami spoke to the Vice Chancellor and other authorities. Then He Blessed some of the faculty members and senior students who were to proceed for a reconnaissance of some of the villages in Puttaparthi, in regard to the Grama Seva. Later Swami called them to the Poornachandra Hall and spent nearly an hour taking to them and giving them important instructions. He again returned to the Mandir for taking Aarti, gave an interview to some devotees and then returned to the Pornachandra Hall.

In the evening, Swami came out for Darshan at 3.25 p.m. Today is the 3rd anniversary of the Deenajanodarana Pathakam (Orphanage started by Swami). The students of the Orphanage were ready with a programme. At 3.40 p.m., the children began their colourful presentation. It was a mix of dances, Burra Katha, short skits. The audio recording was very professional and the children did put up a very good show. It was full of Swami's teachings. The highlights being: Naamasmarana, Importance of good company, Money comes and goes but Morality comes and grows, Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu... and so on. The programme came to a close at 4.30 p.m. after which Bhajans began. The children were all seated at the rear end of the Kulwant Hall, waiting eagerly for Swami to talk to them or Bless them. At 4.45 p.m. Aarti was given.

Swami chose to come along the Gents side and get into the car. As He got into the car, He again asked the Bhajan boys to start Bhajans. We were a little surprised. But Swami had His own plans! He sat there listening to a few Bhajans and then signaled the driver to reverse the car. The car went near the interview room, took a turn and then Swami moved towards the Gopuram gate. However, He went just close to the Deenajanodarana Children and spent some time talking to them. After that, the car again reversed and returned to the interview room. Then began a series of Blessings! Swami called for the children scene by scene and Blessed them. All along, Bhajans were going on in the background. Meanwhile all the children came forward and sat down. After this, Swami went into the interview room and gave the Bangalore security men an interview. Finally, Swami came out at 5.35 p.m. and once again took Aarti before He retired to the Poornachandra.

June 19th, 2005

This morning there was no Darshan. However, there was a lot to happen in the evening - great surprises! In the evening Swami came out at 3.45 p.m. Bhagawan comes in the Toyota Porte car which parks near the interview room and then the sofa automatically comes out and the wheels drop out for further manual movement.

Swami sat outside in the centre of the stage. Prof. Anil Kumar was called and Swami spoke to him for a while. Even before Swami came out onto the stage, He spent some time sitting just near the car. Later at around 4.05 p.m. the mikes were arranged and we thought that Swami had asked Prof. Anil Kumar to give a talk. But that was not the case.

Swami beckoned to the Vedam boys to bring a mike for Him. Immediately, the PA system team sped into action and arranged a mike for Swami such that He could speak while sitting. What a surprise! Swami was going to speak to all of us. Just yesterday He saturated us with Darshan and today Sambhashan too! What luck!

Excerpts from His Discourse:

Students, boys and girls, administrators .... In Bharath, of late, we have been coming across a number of problems. This is quite natural. But it is our responsibility to enquire and investigate. In the last couple of months there have been a number of problems and obstacles that have caused a loss of happiness and bliss to people. More than our studies, our actions are important. We must necessarily make an effort to improve the existing situation.

There is no water to drink. Earlier we have taken every care to supply water for drinking and irrigation. Now the problem is very severe and has spread all over Anantapur District. We are not born merely to earn a living, we do not study merely to fill our stomachs; all that we have learnt must be put into practice to serve our fellow men and community.

We have to realize the plight of the people in every district. Right from tomorrow - Monday - we must first convince ourselves and then share with others the Supreme Will and Mystery of God. Food should be served when one is hungry. One must determine to undertake the task though it may be strenuous. Service cannot be done by wealth alone. We need men of character. Foreigners too will be participating in this mega programme. We will be commencing from tomorrow itself.

We have to supply drinking water to every village. The problem does not end there. We must supply food too. All aged 10 years and above must participate in this programme. We must determine to accomplish the project in its entirety. Temperament and attitude is very important.

Yesterday, in discussion with the Vice Chancellor and others, it became clear that this will be a gigantic project and will require thorough planning. We must begin with serving food. All the Anantapur Seva Samithi members and the Prashanti Vidwan Maha Sabha members must be determined to get the task going. We must set apart some part of the food that we eat. It is not enough if we supply rice alone. They will have to cook it and make it edible. Therefore, they will need water too. First we must cater to those areas where there is no water. This work should be started right now and not postponed to tomorrow or the day after. Very soon cooks are arriving.

It is not enough to merely go through books and study. The essence is more important. Not many understand the purpose of education. Tomorrow onwards we must be ready for serving. Lorries will arrive for transportation. Each one must consider this as one's own job / duty. Each one must feel "I am serving myself". That should be the spirit. Every person must prove the power of society. We are also ready with clothes for distribution. Consider this project as a mighty gigantic task of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation and work for it.

The Vice Chancellor also is very keen on this project. From tomorrow the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Teachers and students will all work together! (Claps). All of you must be enthusiastic. When once you are enthusiastic, you will have enough energy to serve all. When once food is supplied, the head will also start functioning. When food and head join together rest of the problems can be easily solved.

You should prove the effect of Prasanthinilayam everywhere. Younger children can participate in distribution of water (without wasting). In fact, the work will start with distribution of water. All devotees can also participate and work with the students. Never make an attempt to escape this duty, saying "I am not well", or something like that. Bhagawan will give all that is necessary to us. Bhagawan will Himself come and inaugurate the programme too.

Students should work with zeal and enthusiasm. We must also enthuse those who are inactive, to make this programme a success. Health is very important. Only when there is good health can there be enthusiasm. First pray to God. You may have your own apprehensions about God. But God is everywhere. All feet, hands, heads are His! He directs, monitors and guides the Universe in the right direction! This is only the beginning. In future Swami will provide everything we need!

You should proceed in a perfect way such that Prasanthinilayam will become radiant and brilliant. We need elders too - to guide and direct - to assume leadership. With this sacred motivation we can achieve anything!

As you get up tomorrow morning, offer prayers sincerely. It will give you physical, mental and spiritual strength. Very soon, bags and bags of rice will come and get stocked here. Devotees too may not have place to sit! You do not need to be told more than this. I have told you all that is necessary at this point of time. Consider this as a homework given to you.

What do you want? (Students reply ? Swami!).

Swami is always there. With you, Above you, Below you, Around you...(claps)

Each one must discharge his responsibility without giving up. Senior students should be leaders and must guide the juniors in making good use of this golden opportunity! You should proceed with all the confidence that you will be successful. All students gathered here are extremely lucky and fortunate.

It was around 4.50 p.m. when Swami concluded His Divine Discourse. He then Blessed the Birthday boys. One birthday student was so lucky that Swami allowed him to place a clove in His mouth! The Bhajan boys were directed to go inside the Bhajan Hall. Aarti was given at 5.55 p.m. Swami once again started interacting with some students. The new students seated in front were so excited to see Swami from so close that one could see the joy and enthusiasm in their eyes and on their face. Swami too was responding to their spontaneous devotion! He just did not want to go from there. Finally, at 6.05 p.m. the sofa was wheeled back to the car and Bhagawan retired for the day.

Source: http://radiosai.org/pages/PB.htm

You can see an illustrated version of happenings at Prashanthi Nilayam in the Prashanthi Diary of our monthly e-Journal Heart to Heart.


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