Sai Baba Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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Experiences by Devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba

  Curth Orefjaerd of Sweden

From The Heart of Sai by R Lowenberg 57 Main Rd. Whitefield 560066 India

Curth Orefjard of Sweden first heard of Sai Baba about 18 months ago from the time of writing, namely May 1980, when he was given the book Sai Baba Man of Miracles by Howard Murphet to read.

One year later he decided to come to India with his wife Sisko to see Sai Baba.

Ten years earlier in Nepal he was given a statuette of Lord Shiva by a man who was completely unknown to him. This man stopped him and said "Excuse me, but this is for you." He would take no payment for it, nor did Curth have any idea why the man should pick him out as the recipient of the gift. He had a small gold box made and had the statuette mounted inside same. This box was attached to a gold chain and Curth wore this around his neck.

On Curth's first day in Puttaparthi, Swami called him in for an interview. Pointing to Curth's golden box, Swami said "Give me that" and Curth promptly handed it to him. Baba blew on the container, and instantly it changed into a beautiful locket with Baba's picutre on one side and Shirdi Sai's on the other. The locket was mounted in gold.

Swami told Curth to go back to Sweden, liquidate his business there and to return as soon as possible, because "I have been waiting for you a long time, but you were not ready to come to me until 2 years ago."

I heard this part of the story from Richard LeVan who had been in Puttaparthi at the end of December 1979 when Curth arrived there. In March 1980 I met Curth at Brindavan, and invited him and his wife Sisko to our hom.e He then unfolded something of his past life and what Baba had done for him.

Curth (Orefjard) said that at the age of 4 years he had had an out of body experience and from then on psychic powers slowly started to develop. His grandmother was deeply religious. She prayed for him and tuaght him yogic breathing. She possessed the ability to go into the depths of silence and there to contact Cosmic power or God, which she to a certain extent was able to impart to Curth. She was a self taught yogi and a highly developed person. He used to sit quietly beside her and think about God, and she would talk to him of spiritual matters. In this way he developed a deep love for God.

At the age of 19 he had a serious illness and spent many months in a body cast in a hospital. During that time he began to realize that he could 'go within' and he learned to meditate. He made use of his deepmeditation, thereby relieving his pain and discomfort.

In his mother's eyes he was a dreamer who spoke more about God rather than engaging himself in the process of making a living. As he now had a family his mother was not at all happy that he would be able to support them, and was afraid that her daughter-in-law would have to take care of him. She expressed herself in these terms to Curth, who was stung to the quick by these remarks, and he made up his mind to become a successful business man. He used the power of the mind to achieve this and in five years he was a successful and rich business man. He went on using his mental power, thereby improving and developing his business activities, gaining more and more wealth. Now of course his mother and famiy were very proud of his success. But he says that those years cost him dearly.

He lost whatever health he had and suffered two severe heart attacks* and other illnesses of the type which often are the result of the stressful life of a modern business man. More especially is this so when he used his whole will power to do things that are entirely against his innermost conviction, which Curth had to do.

* (reposter's note: Monday morning as people go to work they hate is the hour of 168 in the week of the most heart attacks.)

From THE HEART OF SAI BY R LOWENBERG OF 57 Main Rd. Whitefield India 560066

At age 49, when Curth's body was weakened beyond the ability of the doctors who saw no hope for his recovery, he decided to cut down on his engagements and instead build up the strength of his body. This, he says, was an intuitive feeling that for some reason not known to him then, he would require a strong healthy body.

Using the tremendous mind power which was his possession from his early childhood, in three years he had built up a body taht would take an ordinary young man 10 years at least. With the aid of this power of the mind he had developed a massive body and vast strength. Various magazine reporters, mainly in the field of sport, now interviewed him.

The writers were highly impressed with the results he had achieved in weight lifting, and they wrote about him as being one of the strongest men in Sweden. Other news media were also on to him to make news out of his phenomenal strength. However, he rejected this kind of large scale publicity, as he knew that this was not the purpose for which he had built up his body.

When Curth came to Puttaparthi for the first time at the end of December, 1979, Swami opened up his Chakras, enabling him to raise the Kundalini, so that he could then go into even deeper meditation and trance.

Having been given these powers by Swami, he realized that this was in fact the reason why he had built up his body. It was so that he would be able to take the strain of the rising kundalini.

From THE HEART OF SAI BY R LOWENBERG OF 57 Main Rd. Whitefield India 560066

On arrival at Brindavan at the end of March 1980, Swami called Curth in for an interview almost every day. He told him that he had been with him in past incarnations and that He would give Curth different powers, one of which would be healing power. Curth now began to feel intuitively that different powers were developing in him. In deep prayer he asked Swami if he could use these powers for helping people in distress, as many people had been approaching him for help. "Yes do that" was the answer, and Curth did so. At a later interview Swami confirmed having talked to a sick woman through Curth, commenting "You do good work" Curth has now been ahppy to accomplish several missions of this nature.

It is quite amazing to see this massively built man go into deep meditation and trance, while seated on a chair at Brindavan. He would return to consciousness with a shock and throw out his hands and legs, as I once discovered when seated in front of him. He let out a startled shout and struck me in the back. These sudden returns to the earthly realm embarrassed Curth and he asked Swami to help him to return more gradually. Many a time he would be in deep trance, while Swami was giving darshan, and would only come out of the trance when Swami had already passed his chair. At that stage Curth was doing meditation for ten hours at a stretch on certain days. Many nights he did not sleep at all.

Curth was setting a perfect example to us at darshqan by sitting and 'going inside' as he put it. More or less in his own words he said, "Why do people sit at darshan looking around, some reading, some talking, others writing. This Mandir is a temple. We come her to worship Sai Baba. It is our duty to sit quietly and pray. Then we should ask ourselves. "Who am I? Who am I?" This "Who am I?" soon becomes Aum Aum Aum and slowly we learn that "I am He". Baba will then appear before our inner eye and then we will see Him in our hearts. "I actually see Him in my heart" says Curth. "I see the heart, the blood, and the blood vessels, and I see Baba moving around in my heart. This way we can always have His darshan. Surely this is worth striving for."

from THE HEART OF SAI by R Lowenberg 57 Main Rd. Whitefield India 560066

While at Brindavan Baba materialized a beautiful gold ring for Curth and a day or two later a gorgeous oblong shaped locket, with a gold frame, showing Sai Baba sitting in a shell on the sea. "This I give you so that you can see how I always am sitting in your heart."

Curth said that what Baba had done for him in opening the chakras might have taken him 20 years or more to do by work and discipline on his own. Many yogis work for years and years to attain this end, but never succeed in raising the kundalini. On May 12th, Curth and Sisko left for Bombay and Sweden. On the third of June, 1980, I was delighted to receive a detailed account from Sisko of their experiences on the second trip to Baba and I will let her tell the story in her own words. "Report on our 2nd Visit to Sai Baba March 18, May 12 1980"

March 18 we arrived in Bangalore and stayed at the Ashoka Hotel and learnt the same evening that Sai Baba had arrived in Whitefield the same day. The 19th we went by taxi to both darshans in Brindavan, But Sai Baba did not show up at all. Richard and Dean, Sai Baba devotees from USA, whom we had met in Puttaparthi, came and welcomed us, happy to see us and helpful in all possible ways. The 20th, at the afternoon darshan, Curth got the first contact with Sai Baba. Sai Baba saw Curth. The 21st at morning darshan, Sai Baba spoke to Curth: asked where we were staying.. when we had arrived etc. and said "I shall see you tomorrow". The 22nd in the morning, Sai Baba of course kept His promise. He gave Curth a wonderful gold ring with a colour picture of Himself. The happiness at the reunion was enormous and Sai Baba patted Curth msny times. Alone in the inner room, Sai Baba told how He all the time had been with Curth, had developed him and amongst others how He twice had been with him in a dream. He confirmed experiences that Curth had had in Stockholm but which he at that time had felt to be so fantastic that he could not be sure they were real and therefore had not told anyone about them, not even Sisko.

For instance, Sai Baba confirmed the reality of a vision where Curth had seen himself together with Shirdi Baba in a temple, where many people were gathered. Curth stood beside Shirdi Baba who smiled at him and spoke to the people. Suddenly Sai Baba appeared beside Shirdi Baba smiling at Curth. Then He merged with Shirdi Baba and said to Curth "You see, we are the same". A number of these experiences from Stockholm are still 'untold'. Sai Baba said "you shall stay here with me and I shall develop still more powers in you." He asked us to come the next day at 9 o'clock.

from THE HEART OF SAI by R Lowenberg.. on Curth Orefjard .. published at 57 Main Rd. Whitefield India 560066

After the morning darshan we moved from Ashoka to Shilton Hotel, on the recommendation of our friend Richard, all the time thinking of our best interests. He presented us with the most gorgeous flower basket* to show his happiness to see Curth again.

Richard now asked us whether we daily could share a taxi to and from Whitefield with a lady whom I will call Irene. She was handicapped (multiple scloerosis, becoming worse and worse.) Of course we agreed to this. Irene's belief in God was pretty poor but she had read and heard about Sai Baba's power and had put her faith in Him, for curing her, so that she could take up her work again. Before she came to Sai Baba she had written Him several letters expressing her wish. Curth now explained to her how she was blocking herself and could not open her heart to Sai Baba.

Therefore she was unable to feel His Divine Love flowing toward her. Irene could neither see the total connection between her own karma and her present condition. All this had now resulted in a decision: she would commit suicide on her arrival home some days later. She had lost her faith in Sai Baba. Sai Baba had strengthened Curth's intuition and ability to 'go into' people, so therefore Curth was well aware of Irene's intention. Next morning while Curth was curing his cold in the hotel room, Sisko went together with Irene to Darshan. Then in the taxi, Irene told Sisko about her hopeless situation and what she had planned to do. Back in the hotel Sisko told Curth that Irene had told her something in confidence. Curth at once said that he knew all about it and confirmed Irene's decision. All the time Curth also had known that a way would be opened for directing everything for the best.

After a while in prayer with Sai Baba Curth then went to see Irene. Now followed one and a half hours of interpretation, analysis of Irene's karma, and the reason for her condition and how she herself had blocked her way to Sai Baba. Curth also told her that Sai Baba would see her before she was to return home some days later. Irene was happy and grateful.. her tears turned into a happy smile. Next day when Curth met Sai Baba he asked "The sick lady.. did you talk to her through me yesterday?" "Yes I did" replied Baba.

Heart of Sai R Lowenberg 57 Main Rd. Whitefield India 560 066

At Irene's last darshan, Sai Baba called her in. She was happy. She thanked him for having sent Curth to her to help her and for preparing her to meet Baba. Now Irene with happiness in her heart could return home strengthened in her faith. And she could also bear her illness with trust and reliance. She had now full understanding and knew that Sai Baba also in the future would be with her and support her, thereby making it easier for her to live with her malady, which was her karma.*

This was the first mission Curth had to carry out for Sai Baba which then was followed by several similar tasks, after Sai Baba had developed Curth's powers for helping people in distress. The 23rd: The evening before, Curth was down with fever and became worse during the night. At breakfast it was evident that he would not be able to go to Sai Baba. Sisko went there alone with regards from Curth. However she was not allowed entrance to the house being without Curth*. The guard took her name and thereafter she was directed to sit in the first row. Shen passing her Sai Baba asked where Curth was. "In bed, he's not feeling well" replied Sisko. "Oh bring him here tomorrow morning" said Baba. During this time in the hotel room, Curth was in deep prayer to Sai Baba. When he opened his eyes Baba stood clearly embodied and living in front of him smiling.

Curth was extremely happy to see Sai Baba and asked if this was reality. Sai Baba answered with a smile that as Curth could not come to him, He had come to Curth. The day after, at an interview, Sai Baba confirmed that he had been with Curth in the hotel room, and He added "You coudl not come to me so I came to you. I'm always with you." The 24th. Meeting with Sai Baba Except the above mentioned common talk and happiness at seeing each other again. Sai Baba told us to come the next day. At the afternoon Darshan Sai Baba took Curth alone into his room and told him that He would give us a small house where we could live more comfortably. You shall be here, close to Me."

from THE HEART OF SAI by Lowenberg

The 26th.. Again a private interview between Sai Baba and Curth. Sai Baba talked about developing Curth's inner powers through opening the different chakras. Curth had very clearly noticed how Sai Baba was working in his body, as far as to the uppermost chakra on the crown of the head. It was now possible for Curth to comprehend more and more clearly Sai Baba's inner dialogues and receive His transcendental visions. The 28th at the morning Darshan Curth and Sisko were called in. After having placed Curth in a chair close to Himself, Sai Baba asked if he would like to have a locket with a picture of Sai Baba alone, which never would change. Now Curth was given a locket with a beautiful frame in gold. "I give you this so that you always can see how I'm sitting in your heart" said Baba. Needless to say, Curth was overwhelmed with happiness. Already in Stockholm Curth had in a vision seen Sai Baba create this locket for him, but he had not mentioned this to anybody. Now Curth again got confirmation that his visions are real ones. Sai Baba said that He would give Curth a special japamala (Hindu rosary of 108 beads).

Some days later Sai Baba let Curth have a vision where He showed him how He was creating this special Japamala and when handing it to Curth He said "This I give you together with a special healing power". Later on Sai Baba confirmed having given Curthi this vision. In the inner room alone with Curth and Sisko Sai Baba told them that He would develop Curth and give him great powers of different kinds, amongst others, healing power. When saying this He stroked Curth's arm and said that like this Curth would be able to transfer healing power to people. Sai Baba said that one of the reasons why He is giving Curth the highest power that a human being can possess is that Curth has an absolutely pure heart. Another reason is that in Curth's earlier incarnations he had been acting in close contact with Baba.

A way taht Sai Baba had more deeply opened for Curth so that Curth can serve Him is the manner in which Curth can 'go into' people and see their problems of different kinds and help them to open the way to come closer to Sai Baba as well as the healing power, being able to help and cure people. Sai Baba took Curth's hands and said "We two are one."

from R Lowenburg THE HEART OF SAI 57 Main Rd Whitefield India 560 066

The 29th: In the morning after a very long waiting time, in vain, we saw Sai Baba leaving in His white car. (Next morning He told us in the interview room that He had to rush to the hospital to save a woman with cancer who during several minutes, had been dead. He had operated on her and brought her back to life.) In the afternoon Sai Baba did not appear. The 30th. Morning Darshan with Bhajans. Sai Baba spoke to a group of school children, made His usual round, was a while seated in His chair, and went then directly to Curth and sent him in, as well as the 'princess' as she is known to devotees (an Arabian girl from Syria with her old father) and some more people. Sai Baba showed him the ring (which He had 'taken' (teleported) from our room) said "Look now" and blew on the ring and there was no ring any more. "I shall give you another one later". While Sai Baba was in the inner room with some other people, the princess told Curth that she was very sick and asked whether Curth was also sick. "No" he said. She said that Sai Baba had not helped her. Curth said "No because you do not feel in your heart in the right and humble way for Sai Baba as your God and you have no respect for him. Last time I saw you here you played with his handkerchief for isntance. You are more aware of being a princess than that He is the Lord in your heart. If you move closer to Him in the right way, He will also help you." The "princess" knelt down and kissed Sai Baba's footstool and cried. Then Sai Baba came and took her in. It was now possible for Curth to daily go into deep long-lasting Yoga trance where he had direct dialogues with Sai Baba and Baba taught him. Sai Baba told Curth that what he was experiencing in his body was the awakening of the so called kundalini power and the opening of the chakras. Curth asked Sai Baba for help for being able to control his return back to consciousness and trance in meditation which sometimes was very violent. The reactions of the surrounding people embarrassed him. Sai Baba: "Do not mind the people. They may see it. I shall give you all powers. Come tomorrow at 9:30 with your wife."

From HEART OF SAI by Lowenburg re Curth Orefjard of Stockholm:

People of various nationalities in Brindavan had now become aware of the strong ties of affection between Sai Baba and Curth. Many came humbly to Curth and asked for his blessing, his help and that he should pray for them. There were also those who looked upon Curth as their guru.

Authors present in Whitefield who had written books about Sai Baba wanted to interview Curth, for telling about him in books to be written. The 31st of March, Curth and Sisko were once more called in by Sai Baba. It started with a group interview with about 10 persons. While Sai Baba talked with the others (the leader for Sai Centre in the Caribbaean with family) Curth went into a deep Yoga trance. When all the others had left and we were alone with Sai Baba we kissed His feet in humility. As Sai Baba has seen Curth go into trance and the following reactions He now told Curth to start training his self control The will power shall call forth the Siddhi power to control the return into the body after a Yoga trance. Curth asked Sai Baba what the word Aryan meant as he had heard it so often very clearly. Sai Baba answered that it signified the Sun and was a very good sign. It was included in the word AUM which symbolized the total amount of all the knowledge in the Vedic scriptures. Sai Baba said that Curth feels Him within himself, outside himself and around himself because the two of them are ONE. Sai Baba told him that he would let Mr. Kasturi teach Curth the theoretical side of God and Godhood and He himself would take care of Curth's spiritual development and tell him about their relations in earlier incarnations. I shall develop Divine Wisdom in you. You shall, however, not tell people about it, because they will not understand you, on this level. Richly blessed, we left Sai Baba. Our friend Dean, a young american, with fine humble character was visiting Sai Baba for the 3rd time. His return trip home drew nearer, but he had not yet been called for an interview (Baba in Summer Showers 1978.. tamasic receive darshan rajasic receive interview.. sattvic receive padnamaskar). By all possible means he cared for our comfort and with great sincerity he listened to Curth's advice as to meditation as well as about the way to experience a deeper contact with God.

The sympathy between Curth and Dean was warm and mutual. The last evening before Dean's departure from Whitefield he realized taht this time he would not be called in for an interview. Curth was in very intensive prayer to Sai baba and took Dean into his meditation contact with him. Then Curth clearly heard Baba's transcendental voice say "Yes I shall see him tomorrow". At the Darshan next morning Dean was sitting at the side of Curth.

Sai Baba came, smiled at Curth, and called Dean in. It was a humbly happy Dean who went home to his forests in Vermont, USA. Also our friend Richard now left Sai Baba and India but we know we shall see these dear friends again. Still more people were now approaching Curth asking him for help for their various problems, sicknesses of physical as well as psychical nature, family problems etc. Curth was happy being successful in his task to help them, all under the supervision of Sai Baba. Baba followed Cuth's doing and saw everything. He said "You do good work".

In Ooty: a small City up in the Mountains..April 7 14th: (from the Notebook of S Orefjard)

Extremely beautiful countryside with a fesh climate. Here Sai Baba has a school for children aged 4 to 12 years. One can easily see how happy Sai Baba is when amongst His children. A wonderful place and a most wonderful week for us. The second day after the evening Darshan, Sai Baba called both of us in. A group of students from the Bangalore College also came in, their teacher and a retired Indian minister, standing very close to Sai Baba. To Curth's great surprise, Sai Baba asked him to tell the gentleman about his meditation technique and about his earlier life. The students switched on their trape recorder and Curth told in detail about his practice of meditation until he acquired a deep union with God, in Yoga trance.

Sai Baba added "You have been many times in the inner consciousness state with Me." Curth told of visions he had had in Whitefield. Sai Baba asked Curth also to tell about how in a vision he had seen Sai Baba in the Cosmos with godlike devotees singing His glory. He asked Curth to tell also about the private darshan, that He had given Curth in Bangalore in the hotel room. The same evening in the hotel room Curth wrote down some additional particulars in the practice of Bhakti Yoga. When Sai Baba received these He was very pleased.

He said He would convey these to His students. The evening thereafter we were again called in by Sai Baba who now offered us two a delicious dinner. A photographer was called in by Sai Baba and he photographed us with Sai Baba standing between us. We also each received 2 beautiful big photos of Sai Baba which he signed while we ate. The evening ended with a theatre and dance performance by the children.. something one never will forget. The following evening after Darshan, Curth experienced his most wonderful hour with Sai Baba. Only Curth was invited. When he was sitting beside Swami He began to sing for Curth in English about Love. Curth felt more than happy and felt an incredible peace and calm within. He had many questions in his mind b ut they all became irrelevant ...in some way he found all the answers in Sai Baba's beautiful song. This hour gave Curth an unforgetta le memory. He could only kiss Sai Baba's hands and feet in gratitude. During the following silence Curth felt an eager wish to have this hour recorded on a photo.. but this wish was never spoken out. One month later on a flight together with Sai Baba from Bangalore to Bombay, Baba handed over to Curth an envelope containing a photo of them both, sitting together that evening in Ooty, signed "With love, Sai Bab 14 4 80" He said "and no photographer was there" We left Ooty after an early breakfast, offered by Sai Baba, and followed His car to Whitefield. Two days later we got the short message at the afternoon Darshan. "Tomrrow we go to Puttaparthi." And next morning we drove behind Sai Baba's car to Puttaparthi.

from Lowenberg THE HEART OF SAI 57 Main Rd. WHitefield India 560 066

From Mrs. Orefjard's Notebook: In Puttaparthi April 16th.. May 3rd On arrival in the office we were met by Mr. Kutumba Rao in Puttaparthi with regards from Sai Baba. We were to be his guests, which meant that two big rooms with fans and a bathroom and kitchen were made available to us. All meals from Baba's private kitchen were served by Panduranga who was also always on hand for whatever we needed or wished. The second day Curth felt cramps in his legs and lower part of his body and Mr. Rao turned up with 2 doctors. Curth could not go to the Darshan but Sai Baba saw him in the Auditorium Hall across the road where the doctors had helped Curth and placed him in a chair. Sai Baba came, blessed Curth with vibhuthi, stroked him over his legs and said that the reason for cramps was all the strong spiritual experiences. So, then Curth was cured. Many discussions with Sai Baba in the coming weeks. A new locket was received by Curth.

Also here in Puttaparthi Curth had to tell the students about his meditation. The penultimate evening when students and teachers were present Sai Baba Himself talked about Bhakti Yoga, Sadhana etc in Telugu and everything was translated into English. Sai Baba held up Curth as a model for the successful practice of yoga. He then said to Curth: This is not for you. This is for My students." Sai Baba created, with His hand, a green Lingam, where all the chakras were marked with black dots. This He showed to all the others present, but not to Curth. Afterwards, when He was alone with Curth, He showed him the Lingam and said, pointing to the dots, "These I have opened in you and I shall develop you further, to the highest level in human form." We left for Puttaparthi with His blessings having decided to rest in Bangalore at the Ashoka Hotel (the heat in Puttaparthi was indeed considerable and Sai Baba had already earlier recommended us to have some days in Bangalore.) During these three days in Bangalore, Curth was almost in constant trance, in contact with Sai Baba. The 9th of May Sai Baba said "Tomorrow we go to Bombay. You shall fly with me at 5: 00." It was however impossible for us to get tickets on that flight, so we bought tickets on the 8 o'clock flight instead.

When Sai Baba heard this He simply said "No it is not impossible to get tickets on the 5:00 flight. You fly with Me." A man turned up.. and we flew with Sai Baba to Bombay (in the airplane Curth received the Ooty photo already mentioned.)

BOMBAY May 10-12 Two days with wonderful darshans.. with tens of thousands of devotees. Curth was placed close to Sai Baba's podium, amongst selected dignitaries. When passing him Sai Baba nearly every time spoke to Curth, and gave him Vibhuthi. May the 12th after the mornign Darshan we were guided to the big reception hall on the top of the hill.. we got our chairs and soon Sai Baba came in. He drank water and we were served ice cream*. Amongst other things Sai Baba told Curth that He would show him pictures from their earlier common incarnations but not only photos.. "bright clear views." Curth showed Sai Baba a photo of our son Joar. He looked at it for a long time in silence, whereafter He said that Joar also would come to Him and that He knew about Joar's great interest and engagement in social welfare. He created some Vibhuthi for Joar and laid it in a piece of paper. Curth was to go home, where he was to start a Sai Centre and choose a leader for same. We were soon to come back again. Curth was to give a speech at the World Conference next autumn. When Curth tried to oppose this, putting the blame on his bad English, Sai Baba said "You talk the Language of Love. You are My diamond" He said to Curth.

He, our God, blessed us. We kissed His feet. "No farewell. I am always with you" He said. For a long while Sai Baba held Curth's hands. And so He went out disappeared out of sight, He, our God, our Sai Baba. At the evening Darshan Sai Baba sang Bhajans and gave a speech. The Mayor of Bombay gave a speech praising sai Baba. A last wonderful evening near Sai Baba-indeed something to remember in the beautiful spring-lie climate, that Sai Baba has blessed us Swedes with. The same evenign at 1:15 our Lufthansa plane left India.

My Meditation by Curth Orefjard contained in Heart of Sai by R Lowenburg 57 Main Rd. Whitefield India 560 066

My meditation starts always with a prayer to our Lord for help and guidance. Then I go over to concentration on God in my heart and visualization of God's form. I keep a picture of the body shape of Sai Baba for my inner vision during about 15-20 minutes. Then I feel great happiness in my heart, and at the same time I am sinking deeper and deeper into contemplation. I feel very strongly God's presence and a deep inner peace. Now I transfer my concentration on an object of spiritual nature and retain it. Thereby I get a deeper and clearer insight into this object. The intellect gets sharpened and I see the object in its clearer light. Intuitively I understand the meaning of the mental form which has been created. That means the essence of my previous knowledge ripens to wisdom guided by the intuition of the intellect. From this point which I would like to call the border state, I then reach the really deep meditation. Here the concentration gets strengthened and I enter an absolute stillness. Often I feel strong vibrations in my body and a clear light gets formed around me, especially around my breast and head. I experience a bright light in the form of a beam, emanating from the so called third eye. At the same time when I experience a bright light from my heart region it is not unusual that a light is also formed around my crown. Surrounded by this Divine Light I now lose all sense of space and time.

This light then takes my soul on its own exploring tour in the cosmos, which the Scriptures call the individual soul merging with the Cosmic Soul. This is the same as being merged in God. My experiences in the cosmos are registered by the over-consciousness, getting then transformed to the conscious part of the brain. In this way I become fuly conscious of these Divine visions which also give me Divine knowledge. All this I understand after awakening from the state of meditative
trance, in which I had been, and I have a clear memory of all I experienced. I think that one very well can compare this with what happens during sleep, when dreaming. At awakening, one can remember at least part of the dream. The memories from the state of trance however are much clearer and more informative. I shall now try to describe what happened in one of these states of deep yoga trance. Surrounded by a strong bright light my soul was carried on the beam that was formed between my eyes, out into the cosmos. Strong sound waves, echoing in the cosmos, issued into a vibrating AUM. I became part of thse sound waves. As though through a telepathic transfer I understood the language of the sound waves. A bright light took form in the cosmos, rose why, impossible to describe! My over-consciousness formed a question: "What is this?" The cosmic voice in the light answered: "It is Me, God" At the very moment I was fully conscious of God. I experienced God's reality and comprehended His true nature.

From Heart of Sai by Lowenburg .. chapter on Baba's Curth

I saw a personage take from in the light.. I caught a glimpse of a picture of Sai Baba so very dear to me. My soul trembled. The voice in the light echoed in the universe: "All you now experience is Me. I am the Cosmic Power." The question came to me: "Is this your light.. your soul?" The answer was "Yes" "how does my soul look?" My question was not fully formed, before a small streak of light, being of the same colour as the great light, had taken form. After a moment the small light streak merged in the great one. God was not anymore visible for me, but I heard His voice: "You see, we are One. I give you Divine Wisdom." Slowly I returned to consciousness. An indescribable peace and stillness combined with a strong light, surrounded me again. "How shall I be able to describe what I had experienced, so that it can be comprehended and understood?" I can only note that it is impossible to describe, at least for me. "Thank you God for having let me, through Your grace, experience this Divine indescribable vision of Your glory!" This and much more, God has let me experience during my meditation hours in devoted bhakti yoga. "I have also felt the smell of God. A strong strange scent has filled my nostrils after awakening from trance. The scent has also remained in my hands for a long while afterwards." "The cosmic voice of God can also be comprehended by me in a state of deep meditation, without having a cosmic vision of God. All the inner organs of my body have on several occasions been visible for my cosmic eye. All the so-called chakras or plexus points have been sharply sketched in yellow-white streams, stopping for a while in different parts of the body. I do not experience these as steady and immovable. My etheric body has also shown up in a similar way, and can be seen in various parts of the bodyk, for instance in the chest or in the forehead. I have also experienc ed myself being at different places, even far-off ones. I can see and comprehend people, known and unknown to me. In a telepathic way, I can then comprehend their thoughts and condition. This can also happen when meeting people in person. The above described experiences in deep yoga trance have been the result of regular dailry meditation varying between 8 -10 hours adn up to 20 hours per day. Though, without the Blessing and Grace of Sai Baba all this would not have been possible. If one once has tasted this Divine nectar, which these experiences signify, then no efforts are too great for again and again entering these Divine Domains.
Nothing in the illusory world can any more tempt one and keep one away from God."



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